Saturday, October 27, 2007

Food Food and more Food


Have any of you come to the realisation that it is practically impossible to diet in Kuching unless you just sit at home and eat only steamed vegs for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

The mushrooming of restaurants and eateries around town either portray the people of Kuching as a bunch of glutton's or that none of us here ever bother to cook at home.

On top of this, we seem to have a certain delight for bakeries also in town. One can basically see a bakery at every corner? Are the citizens of Kuching turning French? Bread is hereby our staple diet?

I must admit however, that even though there seems to be a proliferation of eateries around town, not one of them can actually be considered spectacular or absolutely scrumptious in its cooking!!

Sure, some of them managed to reach a certain mark of 5 or 6 in the scale of 0 to 10 but to be truly honest, none of them can be given that 10 points mark!!

Mediocrity is the key word of the people of Kuching, from the lifestyle, to the people and to its food.

Maybe its partly due to the people of Kuching's culture of Want it Cheap, Want it Fresh, Want it Good, so in the end, a compromise has to be reached where its all just plain half way in the mark and thus we are deprived of a truly wonderful gastronomic experience.

I am still praying, in this sudden mushrooming of Restaurants in town, the creation of a certain restaurants where the food is absolutely worth talking about, rather than the half half we seem to be getting around town where its basically not worth writing home to one's parents about.

buzz buzz


Inaesb said...

Recently there has been an increase in "posh" bakeries around town..with the likes of BreadStory, Rotiboy, Baker..etc.

I guess there's been a lot of mushrooming because it's the only part of the economy that constantly expands? Economy down, ppl still gotta eat?

I doubt it has anything to do with healhty eating. :)

The Fly on the Wall said...

Definitely nothing to do with healthy eating darling!!

More to do with satisfy the not really discerning taste buds!!

buzz buzz